Sunday, December 26, 2010

Blues, Violets and Lullabies?

In between diaper changes and breastfeeding, I found a little time to do a quick colorful look while listening to lullabies with the baby. Now that she is 3 weeks old and we have more or less settled in I plan to continue bringing lots of looks for all of you to recreate at home.
This week I bring you this cute look that I created rather fast. I just sat in front of the makeup mirror, pulled out my NAKED pigments and came up with this:
See more on this post by clicking "Read More" below!

Click on the pictures to enlarge

For those of you that wish to recreate this look:

  1. Apply black eyeshadow on the outer V of the crease blending it out along the rest of the crease. (This serves as a base to give more depth to the brighter colors.)
  2. Lightly apply a maroon eyeshadow directly above the black eyeshadow and blend them together to create the smoked out effect you can see in the pictures.
  3. Now apply a Marine Blue color on the outer part of the lid and bring it out to the outer V blending it together with the black eyeshadow.
  4. Apply an opalescent Violet color on the middle part of the lid.
  5. Find a bright Aqua blue and apply it on the inner part of the lid.
  6. As always make sure to blend all the colors so that the look flows, and it doesn't look too harsh.
  7. Now apply a cool toned green liner on the bottom lash line, but don't bring it all the way to the inside corner.
  8. Use a gold pencil to line just the inside corner of the bottom lash line, apply your favorite mascara and you are done with this fun colorful look!
As for the lips, use a pink lipstick that is close to, but lighter than your natural lip color so that the lips don't clash with the eyes.

I hope you have fun recreating your own version of this fun and quick look. You can follow the same instructions, but use basically any colors you want that compliments your eye color. Be creative!!



  1. Amy1knws1bstDecember 29, 2010

    First time commenting...<3 this look! So fun and different. Very creative :)

  2. Love these colors together. My fave looks of yours are the ones you come up with on the spot.

  3. Can't wait to try this look. I've been reading ur blog for a while now and I like that ur are very unique in ur makeup style. Very talented.

  4. Thanks everyone :). Your nice comments make me want to come up with more looks.

  5. Veronica :)January 10, 2011

    I wish I could combine colors like you do. I'm def trying this one out!

  6. Welcome back, missed your looks, although you werent gone for long. By the way, I emailed you my question are you going to use it??

  7. Hi Sandra,
    Yes I got your email. And yes,I will use your question for the next reader submitted question post. Stay tuned :)
